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Who we are

We publish Literature of the future in psychology, social Sciences & science fiction

IFS Psychologie Livres SF
IFS Psychologie Livres SF

Les Éditions du non-A is the publisher of future literature in the humanities & science fiction. We publish books that enable us to think about the future with a “non-Aristotelian” approach – abbreviated Ā or non-A – meaning open-minded & non-binary. Our favourite areas: psychology, life stories, futuristic novels, essays, children’s stories… any innovative book that helps sharpen human awareness and better anticipate the transformations of contemporary societies. In short, to shed light on the present. In particular, our publishing house offers a collection – Les Clés de l’IFS (Keys to the IFS) – looking at the human being and his relationship with himself and the world, through the innovative model of the Inner Family System.

 Wandering off the beaten track…

Our non-A blog, “Un monde plus beau est possible”, is a collaborative space for information, documentation and debate on innovative approaches in the fields of human and social sciences and fiction (psychology, psychotherapy, anthropology, ethnology, sociology, SF and foresight…) And “beyond”, as the philosopher Michel Serres put it, since thought needs to “wander off the beaten track, even if it means breaking away from methods, because human beings only create by wandering”. So it’s only natural that we should be interested here in scientific studies and research on posthumanism, innovative psychology, cognitive science, political utopias and dystopias, artificial intelligence (AI) and robots, psychohistory, and of course general semantics…

For the non-Aristotelian editorial approach, “the map is not the territory”, “the observable phenomenon depends on the observer”, to name just two examples of extensive thinking. The matter of living things is not assembled by logic. The circular successions of causality that exist in nature very quickly render Aristotelian logic paradoxical. It should be noted that the term “not” is not used here in a privative sense, but rather in an extensive sense. Just as quantum mechanics is not anti-Newtonian, non-A is not anti-Aristotelian. Just as the new history (of Interbeing), so dear to Charles Eisenstein, does not annihilate the old history (of Separation), but contains it by supplanting it. In both cases, the previous modes of understanding and action are no more than a local system of explanation embedded in a new, broader, even multidimensional approach.

Quality, not quantity…

Our publishing house aims to publish only a limited number of new titles each year (no more than half a dozen). This selective approach allows us to devote in-depth, meticulous editorial care to each of our publications. By limiting the number of new works, we can focus on quality rather than quantity, ensuring that each book receives special attention. 

Editorial Team
Director : Jean-Rémi Deléage
Co-Publisher : Nathalie Vandebeulque

Our Team



270 Rue Jacquard
41350 Vineuil
Tél : 01 83 90 16 70


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    “Un monde plus beau est possible”