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Jean-Rémi Deléage


Jean-Rémi Deléage Fondateur et directeur des Éditions du non-A

Digital editor, New Media consultant and journalist for over 30 years, he is currently working on an SF trilogy.

Jean-Rémi Deléage aka ‘Jon Ender’ started out as a journalist (no one is perfect), then became a digital editor in the 2000s. He has worked for Sciences et Avenir, L’Obs, Le Monde, Télérama, Challenges, Médias Hebdo… He was also editorial director of i-Marginal, a digital creative agency specializing in science and culture, for 15 years.

He founded Les Éditions du non-A, “Publisher of the Future“, with the aim of publishing and distributing works of science fiction and futurology, essays and documents in the human sciences with a non-Aristotelian approach. In particular, innovative books on psychotherapy, social psychology and anthropology…

Fascinated by SF and futurology from an early age, he is currently working on a science-fiction trilogy entitled “Posthuman kind”. The first volume, due for publication in 2024, is entitled “Les Saintétiques“.

Nathalie Vandebeulque


Nathalie Vandebeulque co-editrice

As a classical musician, she was drawn early on to a quest for harmony and self-knowledge, which she explores as much through the body as through the mind.

As a professional classical musician for over 35 years, I have also carried out in-depth psychological work, driven by self-knowledge and the search for authentic human relationships.

For several years now, this quest has led me to train professionally, and today I’m an IFS psychotherapist (Level 3). I continue my training in IFS and Polyvagal Theory…

At Éditions du non-A, I’m in charge of prospective publishing and co-responsible for the Collection Les Clés de l’IFS.
To visit my professional website: La voie du Self

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